Home > Issue 2 (Volume 14) > Violence in the hospital area as a professional scourge in the 21st century


The phenomenon of violence in the working environment concerns all professions and all countries. Several researchers and studies dealing with violence in the working environment towards health professionals shows the extent of the problem. This phenomenon is more pronounced in the emergency departments (EDs) where violence is an inevitable part of professional life. Healthcare professionals are at higher risk than administrative staff. Especially for ED workers, violence in the working environment can lead to burnout. The causes vary, starting with the excessive waiting time due to lack of staff and ending up in the inadequate policy that most hospitals have for violence in the working environment. The phenomenon of workplace violence undermines the care and safety of patients, while nursing staff in order to fulfill their difficult tasks need a safe environment. Workload, lack of staff and unfulfilled expectations of patients and escorts are not consistent with the proper patients nursing management.

Key words: Aggression in hospitals, emergency departments, health professionals, workplace violence

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