Introduction: Ketamine was used for the first time in 1962 in Veterinary Medicine as an anesthetic and analgesic drug. For decades it was used as a narcotic substance, more widely known as “Special K”, i.e. a recreational drug. In recent years, the scientific community has focused on its remarkable and immediate therapeutic effect on depressed patients, who showed a remission of symptoms in a short period of time compared to antidepressant drugs.
Purpose: The effectiveness of ketamine in psychiatric pharmaceutical therapy is investigated, even with the co-administration with other antidepressants.
Methodology: The work is a literature review. The international literature was searched using the following keywords: psychiatric therapeutics, resistant depression, ketamine, esketamine.
Results: In the treatment of major depression, the forms of ketamine administered are intravenous and inhaled. Intravenous is done with repeated injections at intervals to maintain the therapeutic effect and esketamine, the nasal spray, in the same way and for the same reason. Both forms have contraindications and side effects during their administration. The therapeutic benefit to the patient is weighed. Its effectiveness in psychiatric treatment has now been proven worldwide, mainly in mood disorders and in various pain conditions.
Conclusions: Ketamine was used as an anesthetic in wars and surgeries. Its analgesic properties led to its use as a recreational drug. Today, it is a promising treatment for major depressive disorder, a disease that is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Its rapid action can also contribute to the prevention of suicide.
Key words: resistant depression, esketamine, ketamine, psychiatric therapeutic