Home > Issue 4 ( Volume 3 ) > The attitude of nurses and student nurses towards transplantations
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Introduction: Despite its usefulness has been internationally recorded, transplantation disturbs physical, psychological and social activities of individuals and their families, requiring additional adaptive interventions. Consequently, a supporting and advisory role of nursing staff (which is a part of the basic nursing care) for individuals and mostly for their families, is deemed necessary during all transplantation stages (before, during and after transplantation).

Material and methods: The aim of the present research was to determine and compare nursing staff and student nurses opinions about organ transplantation. A questionnaire with 22 close and open-ended questions was used. Our sample consisted of 320 subjects (160 nurses, 160 students nurses). SPSS software package, version 17.0, was used for statistical analysis.

Results: Both staff nurses (62%) and student nurses (68%) agree to become organ-donors, because they believe that they may save the life of another person (nurses 42%, students 75%), while 38% of the nurses and 32% of the students disagreed, because, among other reasons, they do not trust the process of donor selection (32% of the nurses) or they are in fear (17% of the students). It is important to mention that the vast majority of both groups are not aware of the Greek legislation about organ transplantations (62,5% of the nurses, 82% of the students).

Limitations: The main limitation of the present study is its small sample size.

Conclusions: Although nurses and student nurses accept to become organs donors, it appears that state and health organisations should move towards drastic measures concerning public education about transplantation.

Key words: education, nursing staff, society, transplantation

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