Home > Issue 2 (Volume 6) > The Administrator-Leader in Third-Level Education
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Introduction: Modern third level educational system requires that teaching and learning tools be modernised, and that leadership should adopt new strategies. Leaders, in order for the targets of the educational units to be met, should create perspectives and new experiences that, combined with skills and inspired personal attitudes, will lead to fruitful co operations within and out of educational organisations.

Aim: This study attempts to investigate the concept of leadership in relation to the administrative functions of third level educational units, and to analyse the most suitable leadership model in Greek third level education.

Method: Greek and international bibliography review, including both electronic and print sources, by using suitable key-words.

Conclusions: According to the most recent sources, powerful leadership is the most important factor for the efficiency of every educational organisation. The Administrator-Leader, through his/her multidimensional role within the educational system as a host and a regulator of human resources and technological equipment, is expected to contribute to the progress and success of every reform effort.

Key words: Third-level education, leadership, educational institutions administration, leadership models, administrator-leader

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