Introduction: Patient satisfaction is a quality indicator for the health services provided by a hospital, and also the principal method for the evaluation and feedback of the system used for measuring quality of service. The οbjective of this study was to estimate the level of the services offered by the General Hospital of Sparta and the investigation of patients’ satisfaction before and after their treatment. Moreover, the current work was intended to investigate whether the specific demographics of respondents, such as gender, age, place of residence and their level of education affect their satisfaction about the services, provided by the nursing staff during their stay in the hospital.
Material and Method: The sample of this study was 93 patients, hospitalized in the Surgical Department. The collection of the questionnaires was conducted by personal interviews. As research tools, the Scale of measurement of patient satisfaction about nursing care (MPSS) was used in addition with questionnaire with socio-demographics evidence. In order to perform the statistical analysis, the statistical software SPSS 14.0 was used.
Results: The majority of patients in the sample were women (51.6%). Their educational level was relatively low, since approximately 31.5% rate of the participants had only compulsory education. 47.3% of patients described that their state of health is a small degree of serious while only 7.5% of patients responded that it is very serious. The effectiveness of public hospitals in Greece was considered as good by the 71% of the participants and as very good by the 22.6% of them.34,4% of them stated that they were very satisfied with the assistance given to them by the nursing staff regarding their everyday needs, such as personal hygiene, dressing and creating a comfortable environment. The 31,2% of patients were very satisfied about the help, provided by the nursing staff while 28% of patients were extremely satisfied. Five people (5,4%) replied that stayed in a small extent satisfied, while just one person (1,1%) replied that the help of nursing personnel for the daily needs was not satisfied at all.
Conclusions: Although the study has highlighted some problems and some areas needing improvement, the overall picture is very positive for the General Hospital of Sparta to the extent that the largest percentage of patients was satisfied with the provided services. The information process seems to be improved, since it is an important moral and legal right of patients. The measurement of patient satisfaction should be continued in order to allow comparisons and evaluation of the impact of various interventions in its modulation.
Keywords: Patient satisfaction, quality, nursing care, health services.