One of the key issues of Human Resource Management is the motivation of employees in continuing education, especially in times of economic crisis such as the one Greece is experiencing today. Investing in continuing training is crucial because it can boost economic and competitive performance at an individual, organizational and social level. The aim of this literature review is to present and understand the factors motivating individuals and, in particular, healthcare professionals for Continuing Education with the primary aim of maximizing their effectiveness and efficiency. A review of the literature was carried out on the basis of research and review studies drawn from international (Medline, PubMed) and Greek (IATROTEK) databases. According to the literature, the predominant motivational factors were acquiring new knowledge, maintaining and improving skills, professional development and improvement, health promotion, professional self-knowledge and empowerment, interaction with colleagues and the rise of professional prestige. Lack of time, economic reasons, overworking and family obligations are the main obstacles to participation in continuing education. In a period of protracted economic downturn, the health sector faces the problem of limited budgetary resources while at the same time the demands for more effective and efficient services are increased. Taking into account the incentives that drive health professionals towards the CE, training strategies are planned and implemented which have as their pillar and orientation the specialized training needs of the employees with the ultimate benefit of improving the health services provided while meeting the increased needs and the expectations of society as a whole.
Keywords: Continuing Professional Development, Healthcare Professionals, Motivation for continuing education, Professional Needs