Introduction – Purpose: The investigation of job satisfaction in international nursing area has been extensively investigated. The purpose of this study is to investigate the level of job satisfaction among the nursing staff of General Hospital of Naousa and to describe variables related to their job satisfaction.
Material-Methods: Following a literature review, a 45-item instrument was developed for measuring nursing stuff job satisfaction. The level of job satisfaction was calculated with a five-point Likert scale. The questionnaire was distributed to 134 nursing staff members and the response rate was 90, 29% (N=121).
The study was carried out in January – February 2010. The biostatistics analysis was made with the use of SPSS (version 15). Analysis of data included frequencies, percentages, ANOVA on-way, student t-test and Spearman correlation coefficient.
Results: The findings of this study suggested that the nursing staff of hospital were most dissatisfied with their salaries, limited educational opportunities, workload, autonomy and recognition. The employees were remained neutral with job-related quality of life and social appraisal. They were satisfied only with the social context of the work.
Limitations of Study: Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient was greater than 0,60 for all scales, except for “relationships with co-workers”, “workload” and “quality of life”.
Discussion: The increased workload in combination with the low paid increase the dissatisfaction of the employees. They feel restrict of their autonomy and depreciation by the administration
Conclusions: This study highlighted the overall dissatisfaction among nursing staff of the hospital. Results indicate that the present nursing management techniques should be improved to become more effective in increasing job satisfaction. Permanent monitoring of job satisfaction, rational job design and job enrichment based on the modern approaches of management is necessary.
KEY – WORDS: nurses, nursing staff, job satisfaction, hospital, management