Home > Issue 1 (Volume 12) > Investigation and evaluation of diabetic foot patient’s quality of life


Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that causes multiple lesions in the human body. The prevalence of the disease is particularly increased at international and national level. It is manifested by high blood glucose levels, while medical monitoring is required. Particular attention is needed to diabetes complications which may be retinopathy, nephropathy, peripheral neuropathy and diabetic foot.

Aim of the present study was to investigate the quality of life of patients with a diabetic foot.

Methods: The research sample were 102 patients in 6 diabetic centers of public hospitals in Athens, Greece. The Diabetic Foot Ulcer Scale: Patient (DFS) was used to collect the data in GreeK. The statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS15.

Results: The sample consisted of 102 people, 80 males (78.4%) and 22 females (21.6%). Statistical analysis showed a significant difference between the patients’ age and physical exhaustion (p=0.045), emotional state (p=0.028) and non-compliance to medical guidelines for ulcers self-care (p=0.002). In addition, statistically significant positive correlations were found in the Wagner classification (classification system for diabetic foot ulcers) in several areas of quality of life.

Conclusions: The present research study concluded that the Wagner classification had strong correlations in several areas of patients’ quality of life. At the same time, the patients’ financial status was affected by the ulcers, and there were also difficulties in cohabiting with other family members. The severity of the ulcer negatively affected the patients’ quality of life.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, diabetic foot, quality of life, ulcer

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