Background: Information technology (IT) has been implemented in health science departments and hospitals .Nurses should be familiar with the use of computers.
Aim: To obtain nurses opinion and view of using information technology (IT) in nursing and especially in hospital.
Method & Material: After a pilot study, 70 postal closed-type questionnaires were sent to the participants (Greek nurses) in the Teaching General Hospital Attikon, in Athens. The questionnaire asked for what reasons could be used IT in nursing, about the training, benefits and barriers from the use and their demographic features. Returned questionnaires were analyzed using the software packages of Excel.
Results: Thirty-one questionnaires were returned. The overall attitude respondents towards was positive. The participants used IT for biochemical results and drug information. The main benefits for them were the speed and that with using computers saved time for the other nursing duties. As barrier, were chosen the lack of knowledge and skills of IT. The 61% of the nursing staff had received training during their nursing studies than in the work. The entire sample wanted to attend a seminar or a workshop for training skills in IT.
Conclusion: Despite the low penetration of IT , the views from using IT in nursing from the nursing staff were positive. Inadequate and inexperienced nursing staff was a main barrier in using computers.
Key words: information technology, nurses, internet, hospitals