Home > Issue 2 ( Volume 2 ) > Education on Sexual and Reproductive Health Within the Context of European Policy:A Literature Review
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Introduction: The initiation of sexual activity in early age, the increasing percentages of teenage pregnancies, the abortions, the HIV/AIDS infection and he Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STD’s) are some of the factors that have a negative effect on young people’s sexual health in contemporary years (UNAIDS, 2004). Sexual and reproductive health is affected and formed through specific cultural frameworks, such as religion and family.

Aim: The aim of this article is the review of the data in Greece and in Cyprus, in relation to sexual and reproductive health and education, in the bases of the European Union policies on this matter.

Methodology: The methodology included the review of research studies and documents referring to the Greek and Cypriot data, related to the sexual and reproductive health and education through the European Union policy. Methods were based on literature review in the data bases of MEDLINE and CINAHL (1990-2009).

Conclusion: The recent methodology of health education does not aim to the plain acquire of knowledge, but it aims to the development of skills intending to the adoption of positive behavior, which advocates and promotes health through the active and synergic learning and experiences. Educators and health professionals through teaching and daily practice have the opportunity to transfer knowledge and reform attitudes and behaviors relatively to the sexual and reproductive health. Both in Greece and in Cyprus, students in secondary education are taught different aspects of sexuality education in the context of their school programs. The European Parliament and the European Council have passed several directives highlighting the necessity of sexuality education, underlying a wide field of knowledge and learning.

Key words: Sexual and reproductive health, education, European policy

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