Home > Issue 3 ( Volume 4 ) > Accidents in Hospitalised Children: A Retrospective Study in a Paediatric Research Hospital in Northern Italy


Aim: The aim of our study was to assess accidents in hospitalised children and define the main features of paediatric patients at risk for accidents.

Methods: Data were collected using the medical reports of hospitalised children who experienced accidents provided by the Accident & Emergency Department (A&E) of the “G. Gaslini” Research Hospital in Genoa between 2003 and 2006 (in those years, the institutional procedure for hospitalized children who accidentally hurt themselves was to refer them to the A&E).

Results: Accidents involving hospitalised children, were estimated to be 814 out of the total number of admissions between 2003 and 2006 (1.1%). The rate of accidents in children was highest between 1.00 pm and 8.00 pm. (338 events, equal to 41.5%). This phenomenon mostly involved children between 1 and 3 years of age (338 cases, equal to 41.5%). Falling out of bed was found to be the most frequent accident (209 cases, equal to 25.7%).

Conclusions: We found elements that were useful for the risk assessment and management of accidental injuries in hospitalized children. Such elements allowed our research team to design a project that allowed to improve both the quality of care and patient safety.

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