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Editor in Chief:
Bellali Thallia, RN – Psychologist Professor, Alexandreio Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki thalia@nurse.teithe.gr
Co- editors:
Saridi Maria, RN, BSc, MSc, PhD, Director of Nursing, General Hospital of Korinthos, Greece
Scientific Fellow, Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences, University of Peloponnese
Roka Vasiliki, Commander HN, RN
Naval Hospital of Athens, Greece


Editorial Board

Kalokerinou Athina, Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of Athens, Greece athkal@nurs.uoa.gr
Mantzoukas Stefanos, Assistant Professor, Nursing Department, Technological Educational Institute of Epirus, Greece smantzoukas@ioa.teiep.gr
Minasidou Evgenia, Assistant Professor, Nursing Department, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece minasidu@nurse.teithe.gr
Papathanasiou Ioanna, Assistant Professor, Nursing Department, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly, Greece papathan@teilar.gr, iopapathanasiou@yahoo.gr
Kafkia Theodora, Lecturer, Nursing Department, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece theokafk@nurse.teithe.gr
Kritsotakis George, Assistant Professor, Nursing Department, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Greece gkrits@staff.teicrete.gr
Malliarou Maria, RN, MSc, PhD, Scientific Collaborator Technological Institution of Thessaly, Greece malliarou@teilar.gr
Karamitri Ioanna, MSc Administration of Health Care Units PhD (c) , General Hospital of Kalamata, Greece ioanna.karamitri@st.ouc.ac.cy, ioanna.karamitri@1611.syzefxis.gov.gr
Mastrokostas Athanasios, Major RN, CCRN, Msc,Phd(c) , 424 Military Hospital, Greece mastro75@auth.gr
Gkrizioti Maria, Major RN, Msc, 424 Military Hospital, Greece mgkrizio@auth.gr


Dr. Theodoros Koutroubas, Professor, UC Louvain.Brussels, Belgium theodoros.koutroubas@uclouvain.be
Dr. Irena Papadopoulos, Professor of Transcultural Health and Nursing and Head of Research Centre for Transcultural Studies in Health Middlesex University, London UK. R.Papadopoulos@mdx.ac.uk
Dr. Denise M. McEnroe-Petitte, Associate Professor, Nursing, Kent State University Tuscarawas, Associate Degree Nursing Program, New Philadelphia, USA dpetitt2@kent.edu
Dr. Betty Chung Pui Man, Lecturer, (Health Sciences Syd), Nursing Faculty, Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, PRC betty.chung@polyu.edu.hk
Dr. Evridiki Papastavrou, Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Cyprus University of Technology.President of the Council of Nursing and Midwifery, Cyprus. e.papastavrou@cut.ac.cy
Dr. Lorendana Sasso, Associate Professor,Universita degli Studi di Genova, Italy 56508@unige.it, l.sasso@unige.it
Cecilia Sironi, RN, BSc, MSc Universita degli Studi dell’ Insubria-Varese, Italy cecilia.sironi@uninsubria.it
Dr. Roccο Gennaro. Head of the Nursing School and Professor, Catholic University Our Lady of Good Counsel. Director Centre of Excellence for Nursing Scholarship – Rome – Italy genna.rocco@gmail.com
Dr.Thomas Kearns, Professor, Executive Director of Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery. RCSI-Royal College of Surgeons. Ireland thomaskearns@rcsi.ie
Dr. Helene Kelly, International Consultant, Vice President Florence Network, University College Sealand, Denmark hke@ucsj.dk