Editor in Chief: | |
Bellali Thallia, RN – Psychologist Professor, Alexandreio Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki | thalia@nurse.teithe.gr |
Co- editors: | |
Saridi Maria, RN, BSc, MSc, PhD, Director of Nursing, General Hospital of Korinthos, Greece Scientific Fellow, Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences, University of Peloponnese |
m.saridi@ist.edu.gr |
Roka Vasiliki, Commander HN, RN Naval Hospital of Athens, Greece |
vassoroka2003@yahoo.gr |
Editorial Board
Kalokerinou Athina, Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of Athens, Greece | athkal@nurs.uoa.gr |
Mantzoukas Stefanos, Assistant Professor, Nursing Department, Technological Educational Institute of Epirus, Greece | smantzoukas@ioa.teiep.gr |
Minasidou Evgenia, Assistant Professor, Nursing Department, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece | minasidu@nurse.teithe.gr |
Papathanasiou Ioanna, Assistant Professor, Nursing Department, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly, Greece | papathan@teilar.gr, iopapathanasiou@yahoo.gr |
Kafkia Theodora, Lecturer, Nursing Department, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece | theokafk@nurse.teithe.gr |
Kritsotakis George, Assistant Professor, Nursing Department, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Greece | gkrits@staff.teicrete.gr |
Malliarou Maria, RN, MSc, PhD, Scientific Collaborator Technological Institution of Thessaly, Greece | malliarou@teilar.gr |
Karamitri Ioanna, MSc Administration of Health Care Units PhD (c) , General Hospital of Kalamata, Greece | ioanna.karamitri@st.ouc.ac.cy, ioanna.karamitri@1611.syzefxis.gov.gr |
Mastrokostas Athanasios, Major RN, CCRN, Msc,Phd(c) , 424 Military Hospital, Greece | mastro75@auth.gr |
Gkrizioti Maria, Major RN, Msc, 424 Military Hospital, Greece | mgkrizio@auth.gr |
Dr. Theodoros Koutroubas, Professor, UC Louvain.Brussels, Belgium | theodoros.koutroubas@uclouvain.be |
Dr. Irena Papadopoulos, Professor of Transcultural Health and Nursing and Head of Research Centre for Transcultural Studies in Health Middlesex University, London UK. | R.Papadopoulos@mdx.ac.uk |
Dr. Denise M. McEnroe-Petitte, Associate Professor, Nursing, Kent State University Tuscarawas, Associate Degree Nursing Program, New Philadelphia, USA | dpetitt2@kent.edu |
Dr. Betty Chung Pui Man, Lecturer, (Health Sciences Syd), Nursing Faculty, Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, PRC | betty.chung@polyu.edu.hk |
Dr. Evridiki Papastavrou, Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Cyprus University of Technology.President of the Council of Nursing and Midwifery, Cyprus. | e.papastavrou@cut.ac.cy |
Dr. Lorendana Sasso, Associate Professor,Universita degli Studi di Genova, Italy | 56508@unige.it, l.sasso@unige.it |
Cecilia Sironi, RN, BSc, MSc Universita degli Studi dell’ Insubria-Varese, Italy | cecilia.sironi@uninsubria.it |
Dr. Roccο Gennaro. Head of the Nursing School and Professor, Catholic University Our Lady of Good Counsel. Director Centre of Excellence for Nursing Scholarship – Rome – Italy | genna.rocco@gmail.com |
Dr.Thomas Kearns, Professor, Executive Director of Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery. RCSI-Royal College of Surgeons. Ireland | thomaskearns@rcsi.ie |
Dr. Helene Kelly, International Consultant, Vice President Florence Network, University College Sealand, Denmark | hke@ucsj.dk |