Home > Issue 3 (Volume 11) > A research on anxiety and depression of the elderly in the community


Introduction: Aging is a normal process in the course of human life. It is not a disease, but a condition with many particularities. It is characterized by a decline in organic function and degeneration of the human body cells resulting in physical, biological, intellectual, mental and social downfall.

Aim: The aim of the research study was to measure anxiety and depression levels of the elderly in community structures.

Methods: The study was conducted in Primary Health Care Structures of Lamia Municipality of the region of Central Greece as well as in Structures of Athikies Municipality of the region of Peloponnese. For data collection, an anonymous self-compiling questionnaire was used.

Results: The 81.6% (n=102) of the participants had a >3 anxiety score, which states the presence of anxiety symptoms, while 18.4% (n=23) had a ≤3 anxiety score, which states the absence of anxiety symptoms. The depression for the 84.8% (n=106) of the sample was calculated as >3 in the depression score, which states the presence of depression symptoms, while 15.2% (n=19) of the participants had a ≤3 depression score, which states the absence of depression symptoms.

Conclusions: One can easily understand, from this study, that the elderly display high anxiety and depression levels. The female gender and living away from close family are positively related to the development of anxiety or depression in the elderly.

Key-words: Anxiety, community, elderly, health, loneliness, prevention

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